Archive for the ‘Non classé’ Category

Your office in Mauritius – Renting space in Mauritius

callcenter2Having your office in Mauritius allow you to benefit from the domiciliation of your company of ideal central location in the island in Quatre Bornes. This outsourcing approach gives you access to a diversity of services allowing you to focus in your core business. Outsourcing to Mauritius is a key factor to your next growth.

1 -Get my address
as from Rs 50$ / month This is the domiciliation of your business in our brand new building located in the central of the island

2 -Get my address + mailing
as from Rs 99$ / month. Your company in the incubator + allows you to benefit from all of our administrative and mailing address from reading your mailing, scanning and sending it back to you.

3 – Get my address + mailing + phone
as from Rs 199$ / month. This offer consists of a local phone number dedicated to you. This package allows you to have a telephone response to the image of your company, ensured by our bilingual staff and trained in this exercise. Our receptionists will take your messages and ensures forwarding of your calls if necessary.

4 -Get My Address + mailing + phone + one-part time staff
as from Rs 299$ / month. Your office” address + mailing + phone + one part time staff ” this part time staff will understand your business and he will handle your community management of your local presence in Mauritius

5- Plug and Play Business Unit in Mauritius
A from Rs XX$/month based on your queries and need we operate for you, your local business unit and hire all staff ( from 1 staff to x staff full time ) you may need for your company, we manage also your accounting and operate on your behalf of your business.

Africa Partnership Conference, 20-21 September 2016 – Mauritius

The Board of Investment (BOI) Mauritius in collaboration with the World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies(WAIPA), is pleased to invite you to the “Africa Partnership Conference” which will be held on the 20th and 21st September 2016in Mauritius.

The theme of the conference is “Creating Shared Value through Sustainable Investment”.

The conference will be officially launched by Honourable Pravind Kumar Jugnauth, Minister of Finance and Economic Development of the Republic of Mauritius.

Broadband connectivity and content producer in Africa

aficFor the first time in Mauritius, you will be able to meet and network with a unique mix of industry leaders


The TV/Telco Business in Africa is facing numerous challenges and players in the industry are exploring new avenues and strategies to adapt to the evolving TV, video and music ecosystem.
Over 2 days, Dataxis gathers Executives at a leading conference that opens debate on new business models & regulatory issues and reinforces relationships between service providers, telecom operators, regulators, content providers and distributors, producers, value aggregators and technology providers.
Who are the New OTT and TV competitors, What are the trends, forecasts, technology roadmaps, forthcoming new services and new business models, How to benchmark with US, European and Asian markets.
Check how Pay TV operators and FTA broadcasters are re-inventing themselves to face the arrival of new OTT competitors and the migration of “millennials” audience to Internet.

Don’t miss this opportunity to capture the new trends of Africa TV, Advertising & challenges in Africa in the TV and OTT Market

Blockchain Keynote in Mauritius – Septembre 2016

BlockchainThe Board of Investment of Mauritius is organising a one-day seminar on Blockchain technology on Thursday 15th September 2016. We are pleased to be invited.
Blockchain is increasingly being considered as one of the most promising areas that will shape the future.
It is reckoned to be one of the most valuable technologies because of its ability to deliver high quality, reliable information to a wide group of interested parties.
Have you heard of Bitcoin? It’s a digital currency that has been sending shockwaves through the financial investment markets ever since it was launched in 2008 by Satoshi Nakamoto.
The focus of the seminar is to create awareness about the blockchain technology, showcase potential applications of the technology as well as examine the opportunities/benefits associated with the technology.

  • Demystifying Blockchains
  • Developing the Blockchain ecosystem
  • Regulatory framework in the Blockchain Age
  • Potential application of Blockchain

You want to set up in Mauritius ? Contact us ! 

The Swiss company Pcloud tied up with the Mauritius Startup Incubator to reach Africa

africaZUG, Switzerland – July 8, 2016 – Leading cloud storage provider pCloud announced its new partnership with Mauritius Startup Incubator. The aim of this collaboration is to increase secure cloud storage availability to the Indian Ocean and Africa.

This strategic partnership is another step in pCloud’s efforts to develop its collaboration network and establish a strong foothold in emerging markets. Currently, the service is well-known in Europe and Asia, and has been growing with impressive speed ever since its launch back in 2013. Today, close to 5 million users trust pCloud with their files and data privacy.
Mauritius Startup Incubator will become a reseller of the pCloud Business service. The incubator will promote the solution as the ultimate tool for quality, productivity and costefficiency in data management and collaboration.
This partnership is not a first for pCloud. The Swiss company has been building a solid client base in Europe and Asia, accompanied by successful collaborative projects with telecoms in both Europe and Central America.

About pCloud
pCloud is a security-led cloud storage service, based in Switzerland. The company’s main focus falls on developing a safe solution with seamless collaboration options. For less than 2 years, pCloud has managed to grow a family of more than 4 million users internationally, and reach a level, comparable to the world’s best file storage companies. Among the company’s main services are pCloud Drive, pCloud Crypto and pCloud Business. Multiple file sharing and teamwork options, along with automatic data upload and synchronization are also part of the service’s portfolio of features. pCloud offers a full set of applications – for desktop, mobile and web.
You can download pCloud’s apps from App Store, Google Play and
For further information about the pCloud Challenge, please visit

About MSI
The Mauritius Startup Incubator (MSI) is Mauritius’ first one-stop ecosystem for startup services. MSI’s goal is to accompany the establishment and development of startups through securing office spaces, personnel acquisition, communication, outsourcing and
strategic consulting. MSI’s incubees include Internet companies, call centers, health service providers, fintech startups, and more.
For further information about the MSI :  

Startup Grind with MSI on 18th of June

startupgrind We will attend and be a speaker at the Startup Grind, Google for Entrepreneur

Drupal course in Mauritius

sticker-nicolas-bouteilleFor the first time in Mauritius , intensive course to become expert in Drupal more info on


Handpicked Entrepreneurs In Stunning Mauritius!

mauriceileDo you, too, believe that fun, health and happiness should go and in hand with big ambitions?
Great answer!

And great timing, because Project Getaway has prepared yet another top notch opportunity for you to explore an exotic location, live and work with carefully curatedlike-minded people and have a ton of fun while building businesses – all at the same time.

Located in the Indian Ocean, just off the African coast, Mauritius boasts sapphire waters, gorgeous beaches, a multitude of water sports, boat trips to perfect islets, fabulous botanical gardens, fishing villages and colonial plantations. This stunning island will host our next coworkation experience – this June.

The mobile phone in Africa has become a game-changer for the continent

Africa it has been the mother of innovation. While the continent is huge, see the map below, the level of innovation has been interesting to watch, largely fueled by the equalizing nature of technology and mobile telephony.


Start-Ups are businesses designed to scale up very quickly


Nicolas Goldstein: The Mauritian government provides the enabling environment to attract start-ups.

To find out more , follow the link
