It’s easy to be overflowed among a sea of information if there’re no guidance. Of course you don’t need a perfect road map to start. But knowing the direction helps you make a more rapid acceleration on the learning path.

Tuesday 15th of March 2016 @ 10am
Ceridian learning center, Quatre-Bornes Mauritius

Time Remaining


You must understand that there is more than one path to the top of the mountain”
Miyamoto Musashi – The invincible Japanese samurai in the 16th century

Using Drupal

This is a good introduction to the Drupal 7 CMS. This book assumes that you have no knowledge with Drupal, and get you to know the basics. It’ll help you to understand the CMS, how to set up common functionality, etc.

Drupal Development

If you want the only ONE book for developers, I would recommend this one. This book covers detailed knowledge of Drupal core, how Drupal works, how to build a module, how to create theme, the api and much more. If you want to dig deep into Drupal development, Pro Drupal 7 development is a great reference.

Drupal Module Development

If you have got some familiarity with Drupal site-building, and want to take your power to the next level, this is a good one. The book breaks down in details the factors related to creating modules and others (database interfaces, theming, administration) and how they all work.

Drupal Themes

As a name said, it is a good introduction for someone who really want to start with Drupal theming. By the book, you’ll learn how to make Drupal look prettier. You’ll get knowledge about the Drupal 7 theming Architecture, how to set up a theme, create new themes, modify existing ones, etc.